Saturday, September 14, 2013

There's Power In Prayer

Nashville, TN is currently home to 91 people groups! 30 of those people are less than 2% engaged with Christianity, making their people groups categorized as "unreached". During the mission trip I will be joining in October, our goal will be reaching the 5 most prominent unreached groups- Kurds, Somalis, South East Asians, Vietnamese, and Egyptians. Together these 5 groups equal approximately 50,000 people. Of those 50,000 people it is estimated that only 50 of them know Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Listed below is one of the prayer lists from e3 with specific prayer requests for this mission trip. There are many more prayer requests, new scenarios and needs being brought to our attention each week! Although I still need some financial support, prayer support is essential and very important to me! If you feel God calling you to commit to praying for this mission trip, please let me know (you can email me at I will add your name and email address to the list with others committed to pray. You will receive emails (approximately 1 a week) between now and October 13th, 2013. During the weeks of October 13-18 you will receive more frequent emails to update you on our mission endeavors and to share immediate prayer requests.
*"Heart hosts" are people who live in Nashville, that will commit to working with us during the week that we are there, then follow up with the people we reach after our group leaves the city.
Blessings to you!

Prayers for August 2013

for God is on the move in Nashville USA!
  • Pray for this "movement of God" to continue in a mighty, unprecedented way!  May He draw to Himself in Christ         (John 6:44) 1000's of the unreached of Nashville Metro
  • Pray God's continued favor and blessing on our "Nashville host representative" David Kaufmann.  Ask God to protect he and his family, both physical and spiritual, as they stand in the gap for the thousands of unreached peoples who have fled their countries to receive asylum and refuge in Nashville USA
  • Pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest fields (Matt.10) and for laborers out of the harvest!  "And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Luke 10:2
  • Pray God will convict, rise up, and make known to us those "host hearts" with both a desire to disciple and with a heart for the nations ... brothers and sisters currently sitting in the evangelical churches unawares of what God has done around them in Nashville Metro
  • Pray that God will build a coalition of like-minded brothers and sisters with hearts to train up disciples who will train up disciples who will ...  Pray for men and women who desire God's glory above all else
  • Pray God's wisdom, insight, and empowerment for the e3 leaders and trainers on this expedition as we cast vision to the Nashville CHURCH asking they pray and look to the nations (Mark 11:17) God has gathered together as He has done before (Acts 2)
  • Pray the Holy Spirit's conviction (Acts 16:8-11) in the geographic communities where these foreign born, unengaged, unreached live. Ask He prepare unregenerated hearts to hear, believe, and receive the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Pray and ask God's provision for a multitude of translators and translation tools to be made available to the coalition of disciple makers God is raising up
  • Pray all things to the praise of His glorious grace (Eph.1: 6)


~Revelation 7:9-12~